Wednesday Jam
No Cover
Doors at 6:00 pm, unless there’s an early show. Check the specific night in our calendar for timing.
Come down to The Haven Social Club every Wendesday with your instrument or just your ears to check out the most free wheelin open jam in the city. This is a jam where genre has no limitations, where funk can fuse with jazz and rock can break down to gritty blues. You never know who will show up at this open stage, so be prepared to see improvised playing by the city’s finest. We have guitar/bass amps, a keyboard rig and a drumkit, so bring your sticks, guitars, trumpets, realbooks or charts if you desire, and sit in. Hosted by our Sax Man, Jonny Mac, this is a night not to be missed! $3.75 Pints
Photo taken by Amy Wolkowski. Thanks Amy for the beautiful shot.
Video Taken By Market Xpander – – Thanks!
LUCA LEVESQUE has taken some photos of our night at the Haven Social Club for .
LUCA of has also taken vide of our Wednesday Jam.
JORDAN WILKINS and the crew at EdmontonMusicJunkie hung out last Wednesday and did a nice write-up of our night.
Edmonton has a world-class jazz scene with some extremely talented players, as well as a very healthy future said McCormack. After the talent portrayed on Wednesday, I can see what he means. Whether a fan of jazz, or just looking for a refreshing sound, “Open Mike Night” is every Wednesday at the Haven Social Club and is a great place to witness something different.