Kelly Alanna

It Takes Time
Kelly started seriously focusing on her musical career once she’d graduated from Grant MacEwan College. Playing almost daily gigs around town helped establish her positioning in the jazz and R&B communities. But she decided not to limit her musical experiences and joined the sensational pop cover band Godiva. The band developed a strong and loyal following, and led to many musical milestones including being invited to sing with Cyndi Lauper at a sold out arena in Calgary AB. After being invited to sing on stage with Ms. Lauper, word of Kelly’s talent spread. Kelly was asked to be a part of a dance tribute album that showcased her amazing vocal prowess which will be distributed throughout Japan this year. Kelly Alanna has “it”. The non-stop touring and performances have al reached a level needed to succeed at an international level. It also planted a bug-Kelly wanted to write.
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
It was in 1999 that Kelly hooked up with local legends Greg Johnston, Lyle Molzan and Chris Andrew forming the critically acclaimed Rimshot. She got thepush she needed and began collaborating with Chris and performing original songs live. Her sound was unique and fresh, and the support phenomenal.
Perfect Timing
The production team of Greg and Lyle along with the finesse of Chris Andrew brought out the very best in Kelly. Co-writing all the material on her album has given Kelly Alanna another voice. She touches on personal issues and with a greater vision for herself and the world in which she lives. The songs showcase her vocally on every level and they are delivered with a great insight and wisdom. The album in an intricate weaving of beats, silky groves, super smooth vocals and lush harmonies. It’s innovative, funky, and well worth the listening.
All in Good Time…a very tell-tale title for the debut relase from artist Kelly Alanna, and well worth the wait.